Wednesday, June 30, 2010


As I was doing thinking and prepping for this post, I watched a vid worth 2 Swag Bucks on Fiji tourism. I think that's a hint, no? :p

It's the end of the month, so it's time to tally up my savings for the month. I really didn't think I spent a whole lot this month, at least it didn't feel like it. I was much more on the ball about saving, and keeping track of every penny saved. I know I did a lot more couponing than usual this month though. I made the last vacation deposit of the month to the tune of $52 for the week to date. That's not what I actually saved this week though. My total saved was $57. $5 of my savings this week was in the form of coins, so rather than going through the extra effort to either convert them to bills or deposit them, I donated them. One of my kids is doing a thing at church where they continue to collect donations for post earthquake relief efforts in Haiti so I'm having my kiddo bring all the loose change to church to give to the cause. It just seems more worthwhile than dragging my kids to the bank, plus Haiti needs it much more than we do.

My total savings for the month of June, 2010 is........


That's the most I've saved in a month since I started keeping track and being more conscious about my spending. I started this journey just wanting to be able to afford one person's airfare. Now that I've achieved that, I'd like to shoot for a bigger goal: to have all of our vacation meals covered. Then to have the meals covered, AND all of our airfares paid for. Then all that plus our hotel rooms. Eventually I'd like to have our entire trip paid for. Here, I even slaved to procure a chart for you because I'm just nerdy and masochistic like that. (And to the former supervisor of mine who claimed I can't do charts...suck on a coupon! I can do it in Excel AND Google Docs, then watermark it in Photoshop. Pffffft! :p)

If you'd like more details of what went into the total, feel free to leave me a comment and let me know. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. (Yes, I do read each and every comment. :) )

Because I made a month end deposit this week (even though it's the middle of the week) I will not post a savings update until the end of next week. Wish me luck in July! And to those who are saving along with me, I wish you luck as well! I would be thrilled to know what you're doing and how you're doing on your goals!

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