Friday, June 25, 2010

Pay it forward

I was at Walmart picking up some stuff this evening when I walked down the aisle of hair care products. I happened to glance down at one of the shelves where the leave in conditioner I use is and noticed 2 coupons sitting on the shelf. Out of curiosity, I picked them up and behold, they were high value coupons! $3 off each! Someone had left them there, probably because they didn't need it. I hadn't planned on getting the conditioner, but with the coupons, it pretty much made them 50% off each so I snagged 2 bottles. (The coupons were going to expire in a few days and I wasn't going to go back there before they expired.) Whoever left those coupons there totally made my day. I'm just so giddy and thankful that I'd write a thank you note if I could. I've left coupons I don't want on shelves before, but I didn't bring the ones I didn't want with me tonight. I felt so bad especially considering they too were high value and are going to expire tomorrow (they were the bogo Off! Clip On coupons.) It's such a nice thing to pay it forward and save someone else the money if you can't use it. I'm not sure how store stockers feel about it, they may see it as trash they have to throw out, but I just feel like I should take that chance to help someone else save a bit of money. From now on, I'm bringing unwanted coupons with me when I go to the store and passing them on. I mean I've already clipped them or printed them out so the work put into them is already done, why not give it to someone who can use it? With coupons and sales, my shopping trip bill ended up essentially being 1/3 off...which is a pretty significant amount.

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