Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mailbox love - Sara Lee Toy Story 3 promo

About a month ago I read about a Toy Story 3 lunch box promo from Couponing to Disney. We went out and bought tons of bread...10 loaves/packs of bread, to be exact. We love bread, don't get me wrong, but I thought it would take us forever to eat it up.  We took the bread out of their packaging, stuffed them into some freezer Ziploc bags, threw them in the freezer to keep and I sent the UPCs off for two lunch boxes for my kids.  Now, about a month later, the lunch boxes have finally arrived!  They weren't kidding when they said 4-8 weeks for delivery. :)

So here it is. Here's the lunch boxes we received:

I'm quite impressed, actually.  The lunchboxes are huge!  They're big enough to fit a 32 oz Nalgene bottle with tons of room for other stuff.  The funny part is, the lunchbox is supposed to light up.  See that red dot over Buzz Lightyear's left side of his chest? That's a protruding button of sorts, but it's a light.  All of us thought that you're supposed to press the red dot to get it to light up. There's even a little sticker that points to it (which we removed.)  We pressed and pressed and pressed and couldn't get the darn thing to light up.  It took a 2 yr old to press right above the red dot to get it to light up and that's how we figured it out.  *sigh*

Well, at least we got our lunchboxes now. The kids love them!  It was a good deal...bread for free lunchboxes and I didn't even have to pay shipping.  They had tumblers and plates as part of the offer too but I wasn't interested in those.  To those of you who may be concerned about the safety of the products in the promo, the lunchbox is made by a company called Zak.  Here's the link to their website regarding product safety.  I'm assuming that the tumblers and plates are made by them too, but since we didn't order those, I cannot say for sure.

Oh and as for the bread...all but one pack of hamburger buns are gone.  Yup, we ate 9 loaves of bread in a month. Good grief!

1 comment:

  1. I was all ready to get the lunchboxes but because of the age of my kids I decided to go with the plates. I just finished my 7th loaf today so the UPC's will get mailed tomorrow, giving me both of the plates. I'll let you know how they 4-8 weeks. :)


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