Friday, July 16, 2010

Quest: School supplies savings

Anyone want to join me on a quest? A quest to get school supplies necessary to help educate my kid without breaking the bank?

Surely you've read about me starting my school supplies quest months ago, stalking the sales. I think I've done pretty well so far. I probably could've done better, but not bad.

Here's what I need and the notes:
  • Two large boxes of Kleenex -$3 Costco ($3.50 coupon in coupon book exp 8/8/2010)
  • One clipboard (8 ½ x 11) - $1.44
  • One spiral notebook - $0.15
  • Three plastic folders - $2.25
  • One pk markers (broad tipped) - free (left over from last yr)
  • One box of CRAYOLA washable watercolors with brush - $2 (this chaps my hide...I paid 2x as much for Crayola than if I could've gone w/Rose Art. I had to pay full price for the Crayola ones, and you know I hate paying full price. Grrrr...I'm still hunting for a sale on them though)
  • One box of 48-64 crayons - $2
  • 24 No. 2 pencils - $0.40 - Walgreen's July 4-10 ad.
  • Two large-sized (8 oz.) bottles of white Elmer's glue - $3.14 (again, this one chaps my hide...4 oz bottles are $0.25 ea! You do the math...)
  • One bottle of rubber cement - $1.34
  • Four glue sticks - $0.40 Target (they mislabeled them and the cashier was kind enough to give them to me for the price I saw)
  • One pair Fiskar brand children's scissors with metal blades - $0.99 Walgreens July 11-17 ad
  • One pump bottle of antibacterial hand soap - $0.48 SoftSoap - Walmart - $0.98 cents plus $0.50 off coupon
  • Four pkg wipes - $5.96
  • One package of four sponges - FREE! O-Celo sponges are 2/$3 @ Rite Aid this week w/Wellness + card. I had a $1 off UP coupon from buying BOGO1/2 Coppertone, plus the packaging of the sponges was a bit damaged so the cashier was kind enough to knock another buck off.
  • One backpack - Free! I had a new one I got years ago
  • One durable 11" x 10" plastic basket - $3.50 (I didn't care how much I paid for this damn thing, the specifications made it impossible to find!)
  • One short-sleeved adult t-shirt for painting - $2 - I didn't have any usable shirts, and my DH's were way too big for our kid so I dropped $2 for some at Rite Aid.
  • One old magazine with colorful pictures - Free! - I get free subscriptions to tons of mags!
  • One box small (sandwich) zip-loc bags - $1 Dollar Tree
  • One box gallon zip-loc bags - $1.67 Walmart
  • Plastic/paper cups - Free - left over cups from MIL's bday party
Total spent: $31.72

Good crappiolicious! School supplies, even with sales, coupons, and bargains are freakin' expensive! I really hate that teachers get so brand and size specific. Glue is the one thing that bugs me the most. Little kids have little hands so they handle smaller, 4 oz size glue better anyway. Why do parents have to spend over 6x more for the 8 oz glue?

So...any one want to help me keep an eye on Crayola water colors, 8oz bottles of glue, and rubber cement sales? :D


  1. Did you see that Target has the washable water colors on sale for $1.50 this week? I know that's only .50 cheaper but I just thought I'd mention it. :)

  2. Hmm...I guess I need to hit up Target. :) Thanks!


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