Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Review: Sunsilk Hydra TLC

A few days ago, I got a sample of Sunsilk Hydra TLC and decided to give it a try tonight.

First, the sample of the shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in conditioner comes in little packets enough to wash medium length hair once. (I could've had enough to use the leave-in conditioner twice, but opted not to.)

Second, the shampoo seems to do a decent job cleaning my oily hair. I'm not sure if the shampoo and conditioner alone would've been enough to moisturize my hair considering the dry climate I live in, but it does smell nice.

Third, the leave-in condition is nice. Because I used more than I probably should've (didn't think to save some for next time till it was too late) it feels a little greasy on my hair but not bad at all, just a really really thin layer of slight greasy feeling when it's still wet. The feeling seems to improve as the hair dries.

Fourth, after using the leave-in conditioner, the fragrance is VERY potent. It smells like I just came out of the salon, but after a while, the scent is so strong it smells very chemical-like.

The sample I got also came with some $2 off gift card/coupons. At this point, I'm uncertain on whether or not I'll buy it. I'm usually a generic shampoo using type of gal (though I do love me some designer brands such as Paul Mitchel) but if I can find a good deal on it, and I later learn that the fragrance of the leave-in conditioner fades nicely, then I think I'll pick up a bottle of the conditioner.

Edit: It's been hours (at least 3 hours) since I've used the leave-in conditioner and it still smells very strong. As I'm sitting here, I feel like I have hair dye in my hair. I can still smell it full strength with my hair in a twist held in place with a large clip. You would think that my nose would eventually get used to the smell but it's just so strong that it's starting to irritate my nose and eyes. Ugh.

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